Excel find duplicate values in two cells next to each other
Excel find duplicate values in two cells next to each other

excel find duplicate values in two cells next to each other

I highly recommend that you check this guide out before asking me or anyone else in the comments section to solve your specific problem. That's why I want to share with you: My Guide to Getting the Solution to your Problems FAST! In this article, I explain the best strategies I have come up with over the years to getting quick answers to complex problems in Excel, PowerPoint, VBA, you name it!

excel find duplicate values in two cells next to each other

We all have different situations and it's impossible to account for every particular need one might have. Leave a note in the comments section below if you have any way to make the content in this article better! I look forward to reading your thoughts!! How Do I Modify This To Fit My Specific Needs?Ĭhances are this post did not give you the exact answer you were looking for. If UserAnswer = vbYes Then Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUpĪre there any other methods that Excel offers that are even easier than the methods in this article? Do you know a more simplistic approach to accomplish the tasks in my VBA macros? I want to hear your thoughts and learn from your expertise.

excel find duplicate values in two cells next to each other

& " would you like to delete any duplicate rows found?", vbYesNo) 'PURPOSE: Delete any duplicate rows based on analyzing first column in selected range MsgBox "No duplicate cell values were found" & " would you like them to be highlighted in yellow?", vbYesNo) UserAnswer = MsgBox(rng.Count & " duplicate values were found," _ Set rng = Range(Left(DupAddresses, Len(DupAddresses) - 1)) If rngFind.Address = FirstAddress Then Exit DoĭupAddresses = DupAddresses & rngFind.Address & "," Lookat:=xlWhole, searchdirection:=xlNext) Set rngFind = rng.Find(what:=cell.Value, LookIn:=xlValues, _ SearchList = SearchList & cell.Value & Delimiter If InStr(1, SearchList, cell.Value & Delimiter) = 0 Then 'PURPOSE: Determine if there are duplicate values within the selected cell range I make a habit of using this process to check my ID columns that VLOOKUP formulas are pointed to, so I am certain I have unique values throughout the column. This is a great method that is very fast to implement on data to see if there are any duplicate instances. Have thousands of rows that you don't want manually scroll through to check for the red fill? Well you can easily apply a filter to your data and see if you can filter on the red cell fill color. Home Ribbon Tab > Conditional Formatting > Highlight Cells Rules > Duplicate Values.įrom there, you can simply hit the OK button when the dialog box pops up and any cells that are duplicates will be highlighted with a light red cell fill color. Method 2: Using Conditional Formattingĭid you know you can use a conditional formatting preset to flag duplicates? I didn't for the longest time and still remember the disbelief that this simple option had been available to me the whole time! All you need to do is highlight your cell data and navigate to

#Excel find duplicate values in two cells next to each other how to#

For a VBA-base solution to quickly flagging duplicates on your spreadsheets, Dan Wagner put together a great article and video on his blog entitled How to Count and Label Duplicate Values Without COUNTIF or Range.Find.

Excel find duplicate values in two cells next to each other