I agree with that, but he doesn’t really show you how to do this in the book. However, he also says that people shouldn’t start tracking macros with an app like MyFitnessPal unless they’ve successfully cut and bulked before. However, he does this by creating meal plans, which is great.Įveryone should have a meal plan starting out. Mike Matthews is all about making sure you’re eating in a deficit and hitting your macros. How to Track Macros and Calories – Missed Opportunity?
#Bigger leaner stronger workout app update
In the recent update of his book (the third edition), he goes over the exact method in more detail so I won’t go over it entirely here, but there are: It still comes out to be the same calories and macros but he made it into percentages for simplicity so the video above may be slightly different than the formula in the 3rd edition of BLS.Įssentially, there are two “formulas” for fat loss and one for lean bulking. Note: since his recent release of the third edition of BLS, he formulas use percentages now. I’ve made a video explaining the calories and macros plan for BLS below if you’d rather watch that. Bigger Leaner Stronger Diet Review Calories and Macros Explained With that being said, let’s talk about the BLS Diet. There are a lot more words he covers than the list above, but if you didn’t the REAL definition of these before then this book will make sure you remember them. The second keyword list is all about diet and nutrition and includes terms such as: The first keyword list is all about the physiological terms such as: Glossary & Keywords You Should KnowĪnother reason why BLS is great for beginners is that he includes a kind glossary for all the necessary words you will most likely hear in your fitness journey. He just tells you why they are wrong with scientific research to back up his claims. He doesn’t have an opinion on these myths.
Some Guys Just Don’t Have the Genetics to Get Big and Strong”.“Heavy Weightlifting Makes You Stronger but Not Bigger”.He debunks all of these muscle building myths in his book:
It’s an essential piece of information that is based on scientific research that I recommend to literally everyone I come into contact with who wants to start lifting weights and getting lean.īecause he debunked so many myths that I had previously thought were true. There are no gimmicks or tricks in the book. It has saved me YEARS (seriously) of making dumb lifting and nutrition mistakes. If you haven’t noticed yet, I’m a big fan of Bigger Leaner Stronger (BLS). Why Bigger Leaner Stronger is Perfect for Beginners NOTE: Updates from his 3rd edition will be marked with Red text like this. This review article is going to show you why. Well, I’m here to tell you that it’s worth every penny, especially if you’re a beginner. Wherever or however you heard about it, you’re interested. Maybe you heard about it through his incredible supplement company, Legion Athletics. You may have a similar “word of mouth” story that introduced you to Mike Matthews or maybe you just found it on Amazon like a lot of people. It wasn’t until I failed to see results with other programs that I decided to read Bigger Leaner Stronger.
“I’m sure he is John,” I said while eating my 6th chicken and broccoli meal of the day because that’s what the fake fitness gurus were eating. I didn’t know much about anything fitness and my brother and I have been through many terrible fat loss programs at this point. Now, you have to understand, at this point in my flawed fitness journey, I was following fake fitness gurus online like Six Pack Shortcuts (remember them – lol). I could hear the excitement in his voice. I’ve heard something similar come out of his mouth before for different programs, but something was different. “Chris, get in here!” said my brother who yelled from downstairs. If you want to learn why and how, keep reading this Bigger Leaner Stronger Review. Its how I first started my fitness journey and it has saved me, and thousands of others, a lot of time and effort. Yes, the Michael Matthews Bigger Leaner Stronger book is worth your time and money.